5 Effective Tips For A Better Resume

Qualified job seekers often become frustrated when resumes do not result in interviews.  Perhaps it's time to revamp your resume to make it more appealing to potential employers. There are some simple yet effective changes you can make to render your resume more attractive. A great resume is comprised of relevant content and is visually appealing. Here are five tips to help get you get started:

Increase White Space
Avoid cluttered resumes. While it may be tempting to list every accomplishment and project you've ever completed, forcing the information into limited space will make your resume visually unappealing. Stick to details that are most relevant to the position for which you are applying. Once you land the interview, use that opportunity to expand if needed.  Unless you are applying for a senior management or executive position, more than a two page resume is too long.

Remove Dated Experience
There is something called the 15 Year Rule and it applies to resume work experience and education.  While it is great that you were the treasurer of you college's science club, chances are if you've been in the work force over 15 years your potential employer is not interested.  They will care more about recent accomplishments. The same applies to work history, jobs over 15 years ago are likely no longer relevant to your current search and could lead to potential age discriminatory practices. If in doubt, leave it out.

Delete Filler Words
Everyone is a great "team player" and "well organized" on their resume. Including these descriptions will not make you stand out from your competitors. Instead of using cliché phrases and words, opt to include skill sets that communicate your unique, relevant, and specific qualifications.


Accomplishments - Use The APR Formula
Avoid making your work experience read like a job description. Focus on highlighting your accomplishments instead of tasks. The APR Formula (Action + Problem/Project + Result) is an excellent way to convey projects you've completed and the results you achieved. Be sure to use action verbs (e.g. generated, streamlined, facilitated, etc.) to detail your approach. Then describe your results in measurable terms. Example: R
estructured the ABC process resulting in a 20% increase in productivity, a 5% decrease in error rates, and improved customer satisfaction.

Choose the Correct Resume Style
Recent resume trends allow for more creativity. While it is acceptable to add a little flare to your resume, the style should remain consistent with your industry. If you are a graphic designer or marketing professional, let your creativity shine through your resume. However, If you are a banker or an accountant you will want to stay with the more traditional styles. Hint: Try Pinterest. There are tons of fresh resume templates for all industries, but be sure to use an editing eye.